How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

Mabruqq's Editor LIFESTYLE May 22, 2020
How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

This Pandemic situation doesn’t seem to end so soon and we all have already adapted to the WFH culture that has been keeping us busy from the past few months. Work from Home which was once considered a blessing for the working professionals has now become the most stressful thing in our lives.

We get up straight from our bed, open our laptop screens and are glued to it for hours, our couch has become our workstation and we probably spend the whole day on it right from having breakfast to even dinner sometimes. Many people struggle to make the right balance between home and work responsibilities and end up putting themselves prone to stress. Rather than sitting for hours and giving ourselves a headache, we can incorporate news ways to increase in-home productivity and help us feel better in these tough times.

A few common and tested ways in which we can reduce our Work from Home stress:

Schedule, Prioritize & Be Productive

It is very important to set the right schedule rather than just working whenever you feel like. Setting up your schedule will not only help you tackle distraction but also helps in productivity and managing time. All you got to do is find out what working times suit you best and then prioritize what task you need to do first. While doing this, you will feel a sense of accomplishment and immense satisfaction. Also, keep a check on the minimal usage of social media as it can keep you distracted for too long.

How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

Me Time: Go for a Walk, Drink Fluids, Listen to Music

Get your body moving now and then. Sitting in one place for a longer duration can be inflexible and it causes body aches too. What you can do is break your tasks into smaller ones and keep taking time offs in between to keep yourself motivated. Also, remind yourself to take enough fluids throughout the day to keep the engines running smoothly. Go for little walks, reward yourself with a good meal, or watch a 15 minutes motivational video or simply listen to your favorite songs.

How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

Quality Equipment

A technical glitch is one of the worst things that can happen while you are working from home. Be it system failure, internet connectivity, or your company’s work platform, if any of it goes down, our work efficiency gets affected along with it. Technical faults give us endless reasons to get angry, frustrated, and upset. It is very vital to use efficient equipment, can stand long working hours, and do not malfunction with continuous operation.

How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

Get In For a Quick Social Interaction with Friends

Isolated work from home can feel a bit too alone and unpleasant, so to keep all those feeling at bay, one can socialize with friends, be part of a like-minded community, or share ideas with colleagues. A quick way to get recharged during a work from home session is a video call with friends or a mentor you look up to in life.

How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice

Learn To Say NO

We all would agree that work from home never really gets over. One task after the other and it keeps on coming until you call it a day. The management will load you up with work requests but you have to say NO to keep your life sorted and happy. Along with this there will be certain people who will continue to pour-in requests to help him/her with something or the other, and though most of us will reasonably say Yes to their requests but we have to realise that we don’t really own them our valuable time. We have to learn to value our life and learn to say NO whenever needed.

Sleep well

Sleeping well is not just a good habit but it also keeps your work-life routine in check. Sleeping on time is important for your productivity and makes you cheerful throughout the day. Set a proper bedtime for yourself and stick to it. Also, be very careful not to use mobile devices at night as it can disrupt sleeping patterns and make it difficult to sleep.

How to Reduce Work from Home Stress: Tips & Advice